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House of Providence fonds
CA ON00279 F13 · Archief · 1869-2002

This fonds consists of records that pertain to the House of Providence and Marian Villa. More specifically, it consists of histories, commemorative materials, and administrative materials. There are also records related to the Marian Villa Auxiliary.

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Finance series
CA ON00279 F01-S135 · Reeks · 1900-2008

This series contains records concerning the finances of the congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph in London, Ontario. This includes financial reports, logs, and budgets as well as correspondence and reports on topics related to the Sisters’ finances such as taxes, bonds and loans, retirements, property, and policies.

The Sisters were diligent in tracking their income, assets, and expenses and in planning for their financial futures. There are logs and financial summaries of Sisters’ patrimony and dowries, revenue (including bequests), expenditures, and of collections and episcopal charities for the diocese of London. There are also records of individual Sisters’ requests for funds and dispensation from dowries. The Sisters had strict regulations for borrowing money and their policies are included alongside correspondence with solicitors and barristers, certificates of incineration for bonds, and meeting minutes concerning mortgage bonds and banking resolutions. There are also contracts with London Electrical Company and Bell Telephone Company of Canada.

In addition to the mortgages mentioned above, there are more records concerning the assets of the Sisters. Some meeting minutes and correspondence are concerned with financial and property restrictions, the religious order’s tax exemption, and conservation authority restrictions in relation to their properties. There are various lists and timelines of the Sisters’ properties which include information on purchase and sale prices, deeds, and expenses. For some specific properties there is also correspondence about research at the City Registry Office and financial reports for construction projects. For Sacred Heart Convent there are lot maps and an architectural drawing. The “Group Advising on Property” conducted a study on the Sisters’ usage of, cost, and history of their lake house properties. The report and meeting minutes evaluating these properties are present. The Sisters also commissioned assessments on their assets which include site evaluation reports for Holy Rosary Convent in Windsor and two London properties, one on Queens Avenue and the other the spiritual retreat centre, Medaille House. Also in this series are correspondence, contracts, and invoices from Gemart Appraisal Associates for the appraisal of material possessions.

The Sisters of St. Joseph from the London diocese taught in several locations in Alberta from 1922 to 1996. Some records directly concern the Sisters in Alberta, such as lease agreements, correspondence about bonds and ownership of property, and a proposal for the formation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Alberta.

As noted, as part of their vows and dedication to communal living, the Sisters pooled their finances. There are internal policies, announcements, and correspondence about the distribution of finances and resources. Alongside these is an outline of the responsibilities of the congregational leadership positions. Funding to care for aging community members came from the communal finances, and there is a summary of the General Council’s research and deliberations about ensuring funds for the Sisters’ retirements and correspondence about the inclusion of religious personnel in the Canadian Pension Plan.

Also in this series are correspondence, reports, financial records, and meeting minutes related to the “Search Group.”

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