Journal holdings by department, requests for new subscriptions and back issues of journals.
Want list from departments includes titles and costs, Canadiana purchases General Fund, list of missing books and approval plans for current scientific monographs. Also includes meeting of Association of Colleges and Universities of Lake Superior: Librarian's comments, postal code introduction for Northern Ontario and how to use it, personnel bulletins job positions and Lakehead University Library Notes for new faculty members
Memo from Chief Librarian to departments regarding budget allocations 1968/69 and library fund sub-allocations by departments.
Sunshine Office Equipment Limited, Waterloo, Ontario Bookstacks and Accessories, Series 2 net price list booklet. Also includes
inventory of steel library shelving, plus drawings, shelving parts & accessories, quotation, invoice and B.K. Johl Inc. purchase order for furniture.
Library social committee news, memos from University of Western Ontario to institutions participating in the display of paperbacks for Canadian universities sponsored by the British Council. Also includes letter from D.W. Halliwell, President of Canadian Association of Colleges and University Libraries (CACUL) to Chief Librarians regarding recommendations made in the Report of the Bladen Commission study on costs of university programmes.
Library staff meeting notes and a report by A.G. Pepper on Regional Library Conference 21st-22nd October.
Book expenditures by professors, library department budget summary sheets, revised budget, books on order, subscribed periodicals, department book allotments as recommended by the Budget Sub-Committee. Also includes memo on Annual report for year ending June 30th 1965.
Correspondence, reports, newspaper clippings, sessional papers and reports all regarding Transport Air. 1960-1966.
Correspondence, reports, newspaper clippings, sessional papers and reports all regarding Transport Air. 1960-1966.
Correspondence and newspaper clippings related to George Wardrope, Minister of Mines. 1960-1965.
Correspondence and newspaper clippings related to George Wardrope, Minister of Mines. 1960-1965.
Specifications for Lakehead University Library equipment by A Walter Bernath Inc., a division of B.K. Johl Inc., consultant for Library Planning. Correspondence from Director of Libraries, University of Colorado Libraries, Ralph Ellsworth regarding comments on architectural drawings, copy of floor plan for new library, December 2, 1964.
File contains documents that are restricted because they contain sensitive personal information. KEPT as restricted
Correspondence with Helen Roedde, W.A. Roedde, and an NDP election pamphlet for Helen Roedde. Also included are newspaper clippings. (1960-1963).
Correspondence with Helen Roedde, W.A. Roedde, and an NDP election pamphlet for Helen Roedde. Also included are newspaper clippings. (1960-1963).
Correspondence with the Lakehead Symphony, a list of the Board of Directors with addresses and phone numbers, several pieces of correspondence with J.A. Martin, Executive Secretary of the Lakehead Symphony Orchestra Association Inc., Minutes of the Lakehead Symphony Board of Directors Meeting (June 20th, 1963), Minutes of the Lakehead Symphony Board of Directors Meeting (November 22nd, 1962), Minutes of the Lakehead Symphony Board of Directors Meeting (July 11th , 1962), newspaper clippings, correspondence with attached pamphlets for the Lakehead Symphony Orchestra in its first and second concert of the 1960-61 season.
Correspondence with the Lakehead Symphony, a list of the Board of Directors with addresses and phone numbers, several pieces of correspondence with J.A. Martin, Executive Secretary of the Lakehead Symphony Orchestra Association Inc., Minutes of the Lakehead Symphony Board of Directors Meeting (June 20th, 1963), Minutes of the Lakehead Symphony Board of Directors Meeting (November 22nd, 1962), Minutes of the Lakehead Symphony Board of Directors Meeting (July 11th , 1962), newspaper clippings, correspondence with attached pamphlets for the Lakehead Symphony Orchestra in its first and second concert of the 1960-61 season.
Correspondence with Norman Ward, professor of Political and Economic Science at both Queens University and the University of Saskatchewan, 1959-1960.
Library summary budget sheets by department March 1966 and library appropriation by professors 1959 - 1960.