Fonds contain material relating to operational military research from the second half of the 20th century. The documents are multi-disciplinary in nature, providing scientific, mathematical and historical perspectives of the same topic. Many documents originally come from the Public Records Office UK (PRO), now known as The National Archives (TNA). In such cases, original archival references will be provided, and potential researchers are encouraged to cite these whenever possible. For more information on these Fonds or on Ronnie Shephard, please visit
UntitledOperational Research Booklets on WWII bombing and damage. Booklets Included: (Injuries to Tank Crews Volume III Western Desert 1941-42 Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - 1991); (Injuries to Tank Crews Volume IV Burma 1945 Part 1 - 1991); (Journal of the Military Operations Research Society Summer 1994 V1, N1 - 1994); (Journal of the Military Operations Research Society Winter 1994 V1, N2 - 1994)
US Army Operations Research Symposiums on Maximizing Army Effectiveness. Progress Report on Combat History Analysis Study Effect. Booklets Included: (Twenty-Ninth Annual U.S. Army Operations Research Symposium AORS XXIX Tenative Program - October 1990); (Twenty-Eighth U.S. Army Operations Research Symposium AORS XXVIII Proceedings, Personel Copy - R.W. Shephard - October 1989); (Twenty-Eighth U.S. Army Operations Research Symposium AORS XXVIII "Maximizing Army Effectiveness" - October 1989); (Combat History Analysis Study Effort (Chase): Progress Report for the Period August 1984 to June 1985 - August 1986); (The Origins and Development of Operational Research Canada by J.W. Mayne - December 1990)
Notes on the British Army and Operational Research on Tank Shocks and Casualties and Damage to Anderson Houses. Booklets Included: (Notes on the British Army (Incorporating Staff/Promotion Examination Candidates' Precis) - January 1962); (Combat Operational Data Analysis An Examination of World War II Suppression Data Technical Report - February 1989); (Casualties and Damage to Anderson Shelters in the Wandsworth Shelter Survey June - August 1944 Part 1, 2 - December 1989); (Tank Shock 10 Ind Bde's attack on Gallabat 6 Nov 40 - August 1989); (Tank Shock 3 Hussars' attack near Citta di Castello 21 Jul 44 - August 1989)
Operational Research on Fires Caused and Damage done by German HE Bombs in Air Raids on the UK. Booklets Included: (Operational Analyses of Infantry Actionsand Weapons: WWII and Limited Wars to 1958 - April 1986); (War Game II Rule Book - March 1964); (The Shock Action of Tanks - December 1988); (A Short Survey of Writings by the Oxford Extra Mural Unit on Air-Raid Casualties during WWII - May 1988); (A Bibliography of Operational Research for the Air Forces at Home and Overseas 1939-46 - September 1985); (Casualties and Damage to Houses in the Wandsworth Shelter Survey June - August 1944 Part 5 - January 1990); (Fire Caused by HE Bombs in Air Raids on Uk in World War II: Abstracts and Analyses of Data - December 1988); (Damage to Industrial Structures and Contents from German HE Bombs Progress Report to 1 May 1988 - April 1988); (Fire Caused by HE Bombs in Air Raids on UK in World War II: Abstracts and Analyses of Data - December 1988)
Operational Research on Damage to and Casualties from German Bombs in WWII and Suppression Report. Booklets Included: (The Mathematics of Coast Gunnery - 1943); (NATO Seminar on Detection, Recognition, and Identification of Line-Of-Sight Targets Proceedings Vol I - August 1969); (Mathematics in Military Operational Research - September 1973); (Suppression Effects Study Volume I: Main Report - March 1989); (Army Operational Research Group War Game No. 301 - April 1959); (Suppression Effects Study Volume II - Annexes - October 1990); (Damage to and Casualties in Houses due to German bombs in World War II Volume II: Incidents 33 to 62 - December 1989)
Operational Research on Battlefield Exhaustion, Ballistics, and Industrial Experimentation. Booklets Included (The Indian National Army: A Preliminary Study of its Formation and Campaigns - 1985); (A Survey of Suppression: Volume III - January 1989); (RAC Publications List - February 1972); (Rates of Advance - 1965); (Rules of Play Part III - ?); (Notes on Ballistic Computation - 1942); (Tables of Ballistic Coefficients for Various Projectiles used in Naval and Land Service Ordnance - 1945); (Staff Officers' Hand Book - 1980); (Military Political & Social History of the 20th Century Catalog 18C - ?); (Military College of Science Publication on Recoil - December 1945); (Industrial Experimentation Memorandum No. 18 - June 1945); (Battle Exhaustion: Psychiatrists and Soldiers in the Canadian Army 1939 to 1945 - 1989).
Operational Research Abstracts and Accuracy of Field Army Artillery. Booklets Included (Accuracy of Field Army Artillery Fire Committee Pamplets Volume I - May 1947); (Report on the Military Service of Burt Waldheim - ?); (Abstracts of Reports and Memoranda issues by A.O.R.G. and Operational Research Sections 1942 to 1945 Volume I - January 1947); (Operational Research Abstracts August 1948 - December 1951 Volume IV - May 1952)
Instructions on the safe storage of ammunition, documents and specifications on projectiles and artillery shells. Documents on roles and capabilities of computers in Defense, including technical sheets on hardware of ca. 1970s computers and papers on systems analysis and program development.
Draft transcript of talks given at the 1987 OR Conference.
A report authored by E.C. Williams.
Excerpts from "Morgan`s World" Vol.4 Nos. 6-7, Spring - Summer 1970.
Excerpt from "O.R. in World War 2"
Item is a collection of six book excerpts. "Lord Tiverton" is written on the cover page.