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Journal Société franco-ontarienne d'histoire et de généalogie. 1985-1987.
Journal Société franco-ontarienne d'histoire et de généalogie. 1985-1987.
Journal SFOHG, vol. 1 et juin 1984.
Journal SFOHG, vol. 1 et juin 1984.
Journal de la SFOHG.
Journal de la SFOHG.
Glanures Vol.2 - No. 1 1989.
Glanures Vol.2 - No. 1 1989.
I Canada Company Deed “Thomas Mercer Jones . . . Grant and release to Daniel Day . . . of the town of Guelph . . . all that certain Parcel or Tract of Land, situate as follows : composing Lot One Hundred and One in the said town of Guelph . . . .”
I Canada Company Deed “Thomas Mercer Jones . . . Grant and release to Daniel Day . . . of the town of Guelph . . . all that certain Parcel or Tract of Land, situate as follows : composing Lot One Hundred and One in the said town of Guelph . . . .”
Collection of William Notman and Alexander Henderson photographs
Collection of William Notman and Alexander Henderson photographs
“Re Municipal Assessment Act”
“Re Municipal Assessment Act”