A report stressing the need for a 600 bed psychiatric hospital to deal with an increasing number of mental health patients. The report recommends a site near Cairo.
Item consists of numerical calculations on tank attacks.
Report with appendices, based on observations of Normandy beachead defenses concentrating on the British beaches from D-Day +6 to early July 1944. Document subtitles: "COHQ Special Observer Party," "Report on Special Observer Party investigating the effect of fire preparation in operation 'Neptune,'" "Appendix I Description of assault beaches and immediate hinterland and general notes on the effect of fire preparation," "Appendix No. 2 Details of Strong Points and Damage," "Appendix III Notes on Pro-Forma," "Appendix 4 Batteries," "Appendix VI [copies of photos] Massive Concrete Positions , Examples of Heavy Concrete Beach Defenses , Examples of 5cm A.T.K. Positions , Open Gun Pits , "Tobruk" Type Emplacements , Concrete Positions Under Construction , Examples of Camouflaged Strong Points , Examples of Houses Damaged by Gun Fire , Beach Obstacles , Miscellaneous"
Extensive comparison of the standardised casualty rates sustained of different Germans bombs used in air-raids in the United Kingdom. Content includes "Standardised casualty rate and vulnerable area" , "material analysed" , "results of analysis" plus appendices "Details of Raids studied" , "Methods of determining standardised casualty rates" , "Vulnerable areas of dwelling houses for bombs of different sizes" , "Standardised casualty rate of exploding incendiary bomb (I.B.E.N.)". Includes calculations, figures and references. Authored by P. M. Blade, J. W. B. Douglas, F. Yates, and S. Zuckerman.
Presentation notes. U.S. Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.
Item is a typed report.
Item is a stapled booklet.
Collection of Intelligence summaries and appendices of the British 7th Armored Division while they were in North Africa from February 1943 to March 1943. The intelligence summaries make note on operations, enemy organisation and strength, enemy equipment and losses. Contents include "Glossary of Terms in relation to armour and attack of armour" , "A.P. Projectiles" , "The Mark VI Tiger Tank" , "Armour arrangement of the German Mark VI Tiger Tank" plus diagrams. Authored by J. Wallace, T. M. Lindsey
Details the operational changes of No. 7 Psychiatric Center, Middle East, including admittances and types of conditions including battle exhaustion.
Details the operational changes of No. 7 Psychiatric Center, Middle East, including admittances and types of conditions including battle exhaustion - missing one page.
An investigation report to obtain a first-hand account of men's reactions to the enemy weapons which had been used against them; and in particular to compare the lethality and wounding of various enemy weapons with the moral/morale effect produced on friendly troops. Includes lists of the most disliked enemy weapons and why that is so. Includes a copy of the questionnaire that was used to build these statistics.
Item is an article from Profile.