One image of Philip Bourgeois, driving a horse drawn hay rake to rake fresh cut hay on a 107-acre farm, owned by his parents in Blezard Valley, Ontario.
Farms and farming
25 Archival description results for Farms and farming
One image of Frank Steklasa driving a tractor that is hauling a combine while Vincent Steklasa and an unidentified young man can be seen working on the combine's platform, harvesting a field of oats at the 320 acre farm owned by brothers Frank and Vincent Steklasa in Azilda, Ontario.
One image of a man driving two white horses and a wagon on a farm in Rayside Township, Ontario. Three barns, a house and a windmill can be seen in the background.
One image of Jeanne Langis driving a tractor on a 80-acre farm in Rayside Township, Ontario.
One image of Paul Rainville planting potatoes with a potato planting machine pulled by two horses on a farm in Rayside Township, Ontario.
The fonds attests to the role of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Carnarvon Agricultural Society, and on the activities of the Society. Records of Charles Ferguson’s son’s attendance at the Sunday School and information on his wife’s family also informs us on his family. It consists of a minute book, a member roll book, correspondence, and documentation. United Church Sunday School roll, and information of F. Bond’s Estate are also included.
Ferguson, Charles PeterThe fonds consists of three farm account books belonging to Emery Cowing and Robert Cowing, of East Zorra Township.
Cowing familyThe fonds contains two minutes of books covering several years of meetings for the Farmer's Mercantile Association. Also includes a series of tables regarding the price of eggs used at the Nolalu Co-op store.
Farmers’ Mercantile AssociationFonds contains records created or maintained by Cecil Robertson and his son, Gary Robertson, with an emphasis on records collected by Cecil Robertson. Records mostly relate to the operation of their farm located on parts of Lots 25, 26 and 27, Concession 3 in the Township of Southwold, County of Elgin and parts of Lots 25 and 26, West Gore in the Township of Westminster, County of Middlesex. Fonds is arranged into the the following series:
- Financial records series
- Farm records series
- Personal records series
This Ledger/ Journal records weather conditions and farm activities, and credits and debits on a particular day from Aug. 22,1910 to May 20, 1924. - Across the top of each page is the date by month, day and year and "Brought Forward" with a dollar amount. Two columns on the left side indicate the date by day and number,the centre section indicates weather conditions and the tasks that were completed that day, two columns on the right side indicate the debits and credits in dollars. - there are several loose inserts in the back of the book. - "Day Book" is labeled on the spine and contains 588 pages, stamped in blue ink in upper corner. - some pages have been removed
Item is a Journal / ledger of the day to day activities on the farm and financial information from Jan. 1, 1907 - Sept. 29, 1910. Across the top of each page is "Balance on Hand" and 2 columns on the right hand side indicate the credits and payments made. - near the front of the book are two names in writing, Henry S. Haskill and Sanford W. Haskill (Sanford Watts was the son of Josiah Haskill, the handwriting matches with the previous journal /ledger and is that of Sanford's) - the book has a total of 300 pages; 162 contain the day to day activities and credit / debit amounts ending Sept. 13, 1910. Page 163 has a list from "Sale Sept. 29th, 1910" indicating the items that had sold and those that remained "unsold" - the front cover lists marriages and deaths in1907 Nathaniel Haskill and his wife Abigail (Sawyer) with 7 children made their way to Smith's Creek from Massachusetts about 1795. They were part of the 187 settlers brought in by Elias Smith, J. Walton and A. Walton. The Haskills were farmers and distillers by trade for several generations.
This collection consists of hand-written notes; notebooks; programmes; plant lists; plant records; maps; drawings; measurements; tour scripts; photographs; slides; postcards; and photographs.
The John B. Chapple fonds includes six series convering Chapple's life and interests, including his political careers, his farm, and the Chapples store.
Chapple, John B., 1909-1990The fonds consists of four diaries created by Joseph Peers, of East Oxford Township, between the years 1865 and 1878.
Peers, Joseph LewisThe Kellough Bros. Dairy Ltd. fonds contains operational records, advertisements, and miscellaneous files related to the dairy business.
Kellough Bros. Dairy Ltd.The fonds contains miscellaneous records relating to the Ontario Farm Service Force.
Hebden, JoanItem is a journal / ledger of day to day activities on the farm and weather conditions by Richard S. Haskill, consisting of 200 pages - Mar. 9 1955 - June 10, 1962 indicated on front cover - stamped on front cover by manufacturer is "RECORD, No.790, 200" in black ink - this journal has one column on left side of the page with the month and day and on the right side two columns indicating debits and credits, the date is written along the top of the page - this journal indicates that Richard was involved more with the raising and selling of animals than previous familiy members who owned the farm. He speaks of chickens, capons, pigs and cattle. There is no mention of milk or dairy cows as in previous journals from this collection. He also speaks of spraying both crops and his apple orchard.
Richard S. HaskillThe Robert S. (Bob) Atkinson Collection consists of two Northern Ontario photo albums depicting the Clay Region between 1910 and the 1940s. One album contains 299 photographs which document the development of Kapuskasing, the construction of the hydro-electric dam, the experimental farm, and the fire that destroyed it. The photographs also illustrate daily life, as well as various outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, and snowshoeing. Many of the photographs have the names of the individuals in them and even the locations, but not all are dated. There are also some photos of Iroquois Falls and Moose Factory in this album. The Moose Factory photos include the visit of Charles Lindberg and wife in August 1931. They also include photos of First Nations’ youth.
The second photo album of 262 photographs contains photographs of families and youth of Kapuskasing and other municipalities of the region, and documents their lives as well as summer and winter activities in the region. Only in a few are individuals identified and dated. In the album are also a large number of photos of the military including some of the Kapuskasing internment camp and various internees. Many of these are dated and contain the name of the individual(s) and location.
This book belonged to Sanford Watts Haskill, son of Josiah, grandson of Nathaniel and records financial numbers along the top and right side columns. The body of the page is a journal /record of the day to day happenings on the farm and describes the weather for each day, with date listed in the left hand columns. - this journal/ledger consists of 565 pages. A loose page, with three columns, (2 for "Deaths" and one coulmn for "Marriages") is inserted at the beginning of the book and lists the names of people who have died or been married with a page number beside. Turning to the page gives you the date of death or marriage indicated by a notation. As the page is badly worn on the right side the Marriage page numbers are missing. On the reverse side the page numbers are clear, although the names are difficult to read.
Nathaniel Haskill and his wife Abigail (Sawyer) with 7 children made their way to Smith's Creek from Massachusetts about 1795. They were part of the 187 settlers brought in by Elias Smith, J. Walton and A. Walton. - T
Sanford Watts HaskillThe Saskatchewan Wheat Pool 6 fonds contains blueprints and plans related to grain elevator 6 and the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool company.
Saskatchewan Wheat Pool