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People and organizations
042 · Corporate body · 1953 - 2005

Odbor č. 43 Kanadského slovenského podporného spolku (KSPS) bol založený 3. januára 1953 v Sudbury, provincia Ontário. Odbor č. 43 založili ako mládežnícky odbor v rámci KSPS členovia, ktorí sa odštiepili od jestvujúceho mládežníckeho Odboru č. 8. Členovia nového Odboru č. 43 verili, že ako samostatná jednotka dosiahnu viac, ak budú nasledovať príklad mládežníckych skupín v ostatných mestách. Schôdze Odboru č. 43 v Slovenskom národnom dome sa zúčastnilo pätnásť nových členov, ktorí zvolili predsedu, pokladníka a tajomníka.

Bratské podporné spolky začali byť v obľube Slovákov žijúcich a pracujúcich v Kanade koncom 19. storočia a prvý bol založený v Creighton Mine v Sudburskom okrese v roku 1937. V tej dobe si mnohí ľudia uvedomili, že ani spoločnosť, pre ktorú pracovali, ani kanadská vláda im neposkytnú náhradu ušlej mzdy v prípade choroby, úrazu alebo smrti. Slováci po celej Kanade začali uzatvárať skupinové sporiteľné poistenie, aby sa oni a ich rodinní príslušníci v prípade choroby alebo úmrtia mohli spoľahnúť na formu poistenia, ktorá ich ochráni pred chudobou. V decembri 1946 členovia organizácií kanadských Slovákov po celej Kanade odhlasovali zlúčenie mnohých už existujúcich podporných skupín a vytvorenie KSPS. Aj keď hlavným poslaním KSPS bolo vyberanie peňazí od členov a disponovanie s nimi podľa aktuálnej potreby, členovia zároveň navštevovali chorých a venovali kvety chorým členom alebo vence smútiacim pozostalým. Pri rozhodovaní o spôsobe použitia peňazí vyzbieraných v rámci odboru hlasovali všetci členovia o tom, kedy a na čo sa použijú a kto má nárok na podiel z financií.

Odbor č. 43 poskytol mladým členom slovenskej pospolitosti v Sudbury platformu na stretnutia, spoločenské vyžitie a pestovanie kultúry ďaleko od Slovenska. Po skončení mesačných schôdzí mnohí členovia zostávali dlhšie, aby sa porozprávali o svojich rodinách, politike, slovenských dejinách a o skúsenostiach zo života v Kanade. Odbor 43 KSPS, spolu s ostatnými odbormi Sudburského kraja vypomáhal pri prevádzkovaní Slovenského národného domu na ulici Alder Street, kde sa usporadúvali koncerty tradičnej slovenskej hudby a divadelné inscenácie klasickej slovenskej literatúry. Letné pikniky, tancovačky, predaj vianočných pozdravov a silvestrovské a fašiangové veselice tiež slúžili na stmelenie slovenskej pospolitosti a súčasne získanie peňazí pre spolok.

Kanadský slovenský podporný spolok bol rozpustený 18. septembra 2005 v dôsledku malého počtu členov.

Corporate body · ca. 1880s - [before 1940]

The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends was a fraternal and benevolent society with councils nation-wide. It was originally incorporated in the Province of Ontario in 1887, with three guiding principles: fraternity, aid, and protection. Members could be eligible for life insurance, health insurance, and benefit policies. Though membership fluctuated over the years, the Order established a sickness department in 1890 and a child insurance department in 1917. In 1943 the Order became the Reliable Life Insurance Society. It was turned into a stock own life insurance company in 1964, with its headquarters in Hamilton, Ontario.

The Woodstock Council was formed in the late 1800s, with meetings held in the C.O.F. Hall.

The 1912 Vernon’s Directory noted that the Council met on the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month over 424 Dundas Street. By 1928, the Council meet on the 4th Friday of every month in 470 Peel St, where the Oxford Harness Shop was located. By 1938, the Council is no longer listed.

Corporate body

Land Force Command Headquarters (LFC HQ) was created on 19 October 1965 as Mobile Command with headquarters at St-Hubert, Quebec. It was redesignated in 1994 as LFC HQ and plans were made for the 1997 transfer of headquarters to Ottawa. LFC HQ's purpose is to provide a combat ready, general purpose force for the defence of Canada, to work in conjunction with the United States forces in the defence of North America, to support Canada's North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) commitments and to maintain a ready force for United Nations (UN) or peacekeeping service. It also has command and control of the Militia and Air Reserves as well as the Canadian forces' regional responsibilities in Quebec which includes liaisons with the provincial government and the training of cadets in the region.

Davison, Beatrice, 1885-1969

Beatrice Davison (1885-1969) served as a Nursing Sister during the First World War. Born in Ottawa on 18 October, 1885 to George Davison and Ada Gough, she decided in her twenties to train as a nurse. She trained at the Roosevelt Hospital in New York, in 1915, she returned to Ottawa and joined the Canadian Expeditionary Force, Canadian Army Medical Corps as a Nursing Sister. She left immediately for England for training. She was then posted to France, sometimes serving behind the lines and sometimes in a field hospital. In 1919, Beatrice returned to Canada and went to work at Christie St. Hospital where she met Reginald Collier, a recovering patient. They married in 1923 and she left the nursing profession. During the Second World War, Beatrice was active in the Red Cross. In 1963, the Colliers moved to Bobcaygeon, Ontario. She died 30 October, 1969.

Gillin, Robert Clark

Robert Clark Gillin was a Flight Lieutenant in 31 Squadron Royal Air Force (RAF) during the Second World War. He was active in the India-Burma theatre from 1942-1945. He flew in the role of navigator and his squadron regularly flew "the hump". He was also part of the detail which dropped supplies for Kohima - the farthest point of Japanese penetration into India. He received the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) September 30, 1945.

Corporate body

The United States Atlantic Fleet was established under one command in 1906. During 1906-1921 the title "Commander in Chief, Atlantic Fleet" was in continuous use. On 1 February 1941, General Order 143 reestablished the title and recognized the United States Fleet into three separate fleets (Atlantic, Pacific and Asiatic). The Order further stated each fleet would be under the command of a full admiral.


Donald A. Cameron (1925- ) served with the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) and the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve (RCNVR) for 25 years. He served at HMCS Nonsuch (Edmonton, AB), HMCS Chippawa (Winnipeg, MB), and the HMCS St. Hyacinthe (St. Hyacithe, QC) as an Ordinary Seaman for Wireless Telegraphy (OS for W/T) before following special training in breaking German, Italian, and Japanese Morse codes. With this training, Cameron joined the "Supplementary Radio Branch" and was posted to various stations, namely Gander NF, Coverdale NB, Frobisher Bay NWT, Gloucester ON, Churchill MB, Masset BC as well as three years with the United States Navy in Cheltenham, Maryland. At the time of his retirement, Cameron had obtained the rank of Chief Petty Officer 1st class. He retired in Ottawa, ON.

Corporate body

J3 International is responsible for coordinating the planning, mounting, sustainment and redeployment of Canadian Forces (CF international contingency operations. This includes: the warning, preparation, employment and redeployment phases of an operation, coordination of national support to deployed operations; and development of Rules of Engagement (ROE) for operations. The sections within the J3 International Directorate, whose primary responsibility is support to international missions, are as follows: J3 International 1 - NATO operations and the Balkan region; and J3 International 2 - UN operations and the regions of the Americas, Africa, Middle East, and Asia.

Bush, Robin B.

Robin B. Bush was a collector of Second World War naval photographs.

Pettis, Kenneth F.

Kenneth F. Pettis served with the Canadian Corps Cyclist Battalion during the First World War and with the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) during the Second World War. Born 1898 in Cabbagetown, Ontario, Pettis enlisted in April 1916 with the 4th Divisional Cyclists. After completing his training as a cyclist, Pettis sailed to Liverpool in 1916 with the rest of his troop. After months of training in Britain, he was sent to the Front in France in January 1918. With some of the other men from the Cyclist Corps, he was taken into a Tunneling Company where he dug trenches for months. During the First World War, Pettis saw action in Amiens, Arras and Orange Hill. Pettis did not return to Canada until Spring 1919. Twenty-five years to the day after enlisting in the Cyclists, he became an officer of the RCAF during the Second World War. During his term of duty, Pettis spent time in Egypt, Lebanon, Jerusalem, Baghdad, Persia, and Greece. Pettis returned to Canada May 8, 1945 - VE Day. He left the RCAF with the rank of Squadron Leader.

Phinney, Lawrence Hudson

Lawrence Hudson Phinney was a Wing Commander for the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF). He enlisted in Winnipeg, had Cavalry Training at Petewawa, and trained at RFC at Harling Road. Wing Commander Phinney took aerial photographs for the RCAF throughout the 1920s and 1930s as a Flying Officer for the No. 2 Photographic Detachment and as the Commanding Officer for the No. 1 Photographic Detachment from 19 March 1930.

Tennant, Agnes Isabel

Agnes Isabel Tennant served with the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps during the Second World War, attaining the rank of Major (Principal Matron). Born in 1911, she worked as a Staff Nurse during 1934-1936 at the Laurentian Sanatarium in St-Agathe, Quebec and received her BA at McGill University in 1938. During 1938-1941 she was a Medical Supervisor at the Montreal General Hospital. During the Second World War, she commenced her service with 14 Canadian General Hospital and overseas with the unit in 1941. She returned to Canada in August 1943 and spent until March 1944 training orderlies at CBMH. Tennant returned overseas in May 1944 with 20 Canadian General Hospital as Major (Principal Matron). She also served with the 2nd Canadian General Hospital for one month and returned to Canada in July 1945.

Buckwell, M. C.

Maunsell Charles Buckwell (Buck) served with the Canadian Army during 1939-1968 and retired with the rank of Major. Born in 1919, he enlisted in the 93rd Field Battalion, 18th Field Brigade, Royal Canadian Artillery (RCA) in 1939. Buckwell was a career Army officer, a veteran of the Second World War, and served in many international positions. He retired in 1968 and joined the Federal Department of Agriculture, retiring in 1984. Buckwell died 9 March 2004.

Corporate body

The Inter-service Topographical Dept. was operative from 1941 to 1945, and administered by the British Admiralty, for the production of topographical information for the use of the service departments.

Corporate body

Airborne Section Trial and Evaluation Establishment was a part of the Base Training Branch for Canadian Forces Base (CFB) in Rivers, Manitoba, until 1967, when it became a Lodger Unit under Mobile Command. CFB Rivers was originally opened prior to the Second World War as No. 1 Central Navigation School. With the outbreak of the War, Camp Rivers also became a training centre for Army pilots and parachutists as well as flying instructors from the Army, Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) and Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF). As a result of the unification, Camp Rivers was renamed CFB Rivers. It was closed in September 1971.

Lohmann, Karl-Heinz

Karl-Heinz Lohmann was a 17-year-old German conscript in the last days of the Third Reich. On April 28th, 1945 while stationed at Leer, Germany, he was wounded by a Canadian grenade. Lohmann promptly received medical treatment from Canadian doctors, and they were able to save his leg.

Corporate body

The 1st Commonwealth Division was a multinational unit that took part in Korean War, as part of British Commonwealth Forces Korea. The division was formed in July 1951 and was comprised mainly of British Army and Canadian Army units. Australian infantry and New Zealand Army artillery units were also involved. The division was deactivated in 1954 as part of the demobilisation of forces in Korea in the aftermath of the war.

Corporate body

The Director Human Resources Information Management (DHRIM) is a management capability for both the military and civilian branches of the Department of National Defence (DND). DHRIM manages information systems, information technology initiatives and projects, software applications and other business processes within DND. It provides an integrated information management system within the Canadian Forces and Department of National Defence.

Graham, Joan

"Bonnie" Joan Graham was born Joan Bartlett, and she grew up in Fort Qu'Appelle Saskatchewan. Christopher and Richard Bartlett, with whom she corresponded with during the war, are her brothers. She married Buckwell Graham in the late 1940s and they had three children together. In 1995, Ms. Graham completed a family history about the Fort Qu'Appelle Bartletts. Ms. Graham is a grandmother of eight, and she lives in Goderich, Ontario. George M. Smales served in the First World War so that he could serve with his son, Alistair. Charles and Douglas Graham served in the South African War. Christopher Bartlett was a Wing Commander in the Royal Air Force until his death in 1944. He was born in Fort Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan. A lake in Saskatchewan was named after him in 1949. Sub Lieutenant Richard Bartlett was a Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Pilot during the Second World War. He was a prisoner of war in many different prison camps, the last of which he escaped successfully. The Smales and Bartlett families are related by marriage.